Blues Minor Pentatonic Scale

Piano Scales Mark II

Piano Scales Mark II

Well howdily doodily virtuosos. How are ya?

In todays article we’re going to be looking at Piano Scales: Mark IIThis Time It’s Personal.

You might remember an utterly sparkling and frankly luminescent article from this series already focussed on the scales of the piano (you can see that here: Piano Scales), which covered the major scale pattern (that’s major as in major, not just the important ones), the chromatic scale pattern, and the three types of minor scale patterns. Man that was a great article. I’d love to shake the fingers of whichever maestro composed that badboy.

‘So why Mark II?’

Hey! The title is Mark II – This Time It’s Personal, and the reason that we’re doubling up is because actually, there are a lot more scale patterns out there that would be great fun to learn.