Alyssa Wang

Classical Piano, Music Theory

Teaches: Beginner - Advanced Students

Language: English, Mandarin, Cantonese

Piano teacher for over 25 years and teaches in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.


I have been teaching piano for 25 years, some of my students have continued to advance their music education in universities locally or abroad. I am able to teach the lessons in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. I enjoy teaching students of all ages and all levels. It gives me great satisfaction to see the improvement in my students.
For younger and beginner students, I try to build a strong foundation through technical work. For more advanced students, I will help them improve their understanding of the music and their tone quality. It is important for students to enjoy playing the piano, so my students will work on some mandatory pieces as well as works of their choice. I always try to incorporate sight reading into each lesson as it is an asset to have strong sight reading skills.



  • $65 - 1 Hour

  • $50 - 45 Minutes

  • $35 - 30 minutes

  • Free 10 Minute
    Lesson / Interview

