Antonio celotto

Classic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Music Theory (Composition, Improvisation, Rhythm)

Teaches: Beginner - Expert Students

Language: English, Italian, French, basic Spanish.

Popular multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer with a very high level musical of education.


I am a multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer from Italy and am pleased to have joined the Lecture Owl in 2020. After early studies in piano, I began classical guitar training at age 6, eventually expanding my education in guitar to include jazz, blues and rock. I have worked as a composer on several music projects, as well as financed a cinema degree in Paris with my jazz/electronic fusion project, Aiguille.



  • $60 - 1 Hour

  • $35 - 30 Minutes

  • FREE - 15-25 Minute
    Introductory Lesson

